e-Commerce 5 Plugins for WooCommerce that will increase the sales...

5 Plugins for WooCommerce that will increase the sales of your online store


Do you have an online store with WooCommerce and want to increase your sales? Then you are in the right place, as I have collected 5 of the best WooCommerce plugins that will help you in this task. And best of all, minus 1, the rest are free!

They are very simple plugins to configure and use. Some even just have to install and activate them and they will increase your ecommerce conversions so that you bill more from minute 0.

And if in addition to plugins you are looking for a good theme for your ecommerce, here is the list with the best templates for WooCommerce that I have made for you and that already include many plugins like the ones I show below, as well as other additional ones. Likewise, I also leave you other articles that may be useful for your website and at the end you will see a downloadable checklist to make sure you have your website optimized:

  • How to choose the best hosting for your website and not die trying?
  • WordPress 2019 tutorial to create any type of website from scratch.
  • Install WordPress: The fastest and easiest way to do it.
  • WooCommerce Product Stock Alert
  • Surely on some occasion you have wondered what to do with the sold out products of your online store. There are people who delete them, people who leave them on the list without doing anything with them, others redirect them to other similar products …
  • There are many options, but only one increases sales in your store and I’m going to tell you how with a WooCommerce plugin called WooCommerce Product Stock Alert.

We are going to get in the event that you have products that have been temporarily out of stock and that you are going to have stock again shortly. For these cases, the best thing is to make the users who reach those products, be able to activate an alert that warns them when you have them available again.

In this way, when an interested person reaches one of your product files and sees that it is not available, they can subscribe and thus we will ensure that they return to our store to buy it.

The operation is simple:

  1. User reaches the product sheet and sees that it is out of stock.
  2. We offer the possibility of activating an alert by entering your email.
  3. Once subscribed, when we have stock available again, the plugin will automatically send an email with a direct link to the product.
  4. But it doesn’t end here. This free WooCommerce plugin will allow you to see the number of customers interested in any out of stock product, which will give you an idea of ​​the interest that each product has and which of all you should replenish first.
  5. You just have to install and activate it so that a sub-section called WC Stock Alert appears in the WooCommerce section
  6. There you can customize the message of the box and the subscription form for each product, as well as the color of the buttons and the email that will be sent automatically to users when they subscribe and when they receive the alert that we have again available that product.

And as if this were not enough, in Tools-> WC Stock Alert Export you can export the list of subscribers and the customer can unsubscribe from a product that has already been subscribed whenever he wants.

Without a doubt, one of the best free WooCommerce plugins out there to get users to return to your store.

Woo Custom Stock Status

A strategy that always works very well to increase sales in your online store is to create a feeling of urgency in the users who visit your product files. That is, create a little fear , making them think that they can run out of the product they are looking at if they do not hurry and buy it quickly because there are few units left.

With a simple but effective call to action near the buy button, we can make conversions increase dramatically.

And the good thing is that with WooCommerce we can do it in a very simple way. In the WooCommerce> Settings> Products> Inventory section, you have an option that allows you to display a message of the units that are left on each product page.

However, the messages that WooCommerce displays by default are very bland and cannot be customized. With the WooCommerce Woo Custom Stock Status plugin we can put the message we want and change its color depending on the available units.

See what difference between the default message and the message that I have customized with this plugin for WooCommerce.

But not only does it allow us to modify the default WooCommerce message when stocks are low, but it also helps us to modify the default message of “There are stocks” that appears automatically in the products and that does not contribute anything.

Look again at the difference between one message and another:

And the best of all is that it is a plugin for WooCommerce free and very simple to use. You just have to install and activate it and a new tab called « Custom Stock « will appear in the WooCommerce inventory settings.

It is there where you can put the texts that you want to appear in each of the cases (there are still stocks, few stocks, out of stock …) and you can also choose the color you want to assign to each of the messages.

Every Order Coupon for WooCommerce

And here comes my favorite WooCommerce plugin from this list. Without a doubt a must that you must have if you want to increase the recurring sales of your online store.

But what does this plugin for WooCommerce do? You will ask yourself. Basically it makes those customers who have already bought from you do it again.

How? Generating and sending a discount coupon automatically to each person who has bought in our store applicable to future purchases. Definitely a great incentive to come back to buy again.

The coupons will be sent by mail to the user with a link, the code that they must use, the amount or percentage of the discount and the deadline they have to use it. In addition, they will also be visible to the customer on their “My account” page.

And since it works on the WooCommerce coupon system, you can generate the coupon using all the normal coupon options:

  • Minimum expense: you can define the minimum expense that the customer has to make in order to apply the discount.
  • Type of use: if you want the coupon not to be accumulated with other existing coupons or other offers.
  • Exclude sale items: If you want the coupon not to be applied to products that already have a sale.
  • Product categories: in case you want the coupon to apply to certain categories, you can do so by selecting them in this section.

The procedure would be as follows.

  1. You download the plugin from this link.
  2. Install and activate the plugin
  3. Create the discount coupon with the restrictions you want in WooCommerce> Coupons
  4. You go to WooCommerce> Settings> Integrations and enable the automatic coupon delivery
  5. You go to WooCommerce> Settings> Emails and there you will see the new emails that have appeared. There you will see all the personalization fields and you will be able to write the email that you want the clients to receive.
  6. As you can see, this plugin for WooCommerce is very easy to configure and I guarantee that your sales will increase thanks to the recurring purchases incentivized by these discounts.
  7. Products sold out at the end
  1. If I know, the name is not very corridor, what can you do? This WooCommerce plugin I have developed myself so that anyone can use it simply by installing and activating it.
  2. And what does it do?
  3. Well basically move the products that you have out of stock to the end of the list. With this you will ensure that the products that you have temporarily out of stock are not so visible and, in this way, users will first see the products that you do have available without being disturbed by others.
  4. And the good thing is that customers who still reach these sold out products will see the subscription box that we put before with the plugin that I explained a little above. A master move we go.
  5. You just have to download it for free by clicking on this link and upload it to your website. In return, I would appreciate if you shared this entry:-D.
  6.  Visual Term Description Editor + Snippet PHP
  1. To be able to sell more in your online store, the first thing you need are visits. And one of the best sections of your online store to achieve that are the category pages where products of the same theme are grouped or that share a characteristic that defines their products.

For example, if you have an online clothing store, you probably have category pages like these:

  • Jackets: list with all the jackets you sell.
  • Pants: list with all the pants you sell.
  • T-shirts: list with all the shirts you sell.
  • As you can see, you need text. Good content that gives context to that list and makes Google understand what that section of your website is about will catapult the category pages to the top positions.
  • If for example you have a category where you group all tank tops, you should add content whose target keyword is “tank top”, “buy tank top” and the like.
  • Therefore you have to go to the page of that category by following the path ProductsCategories and there edit the category to which you want to add content. You will see that there is a section for the description in which you must write said content.
WPLegit Staffhttps://wplegit.com
At WPLegit, you will find content on WordPress tutorials with basic information about the platform, its installation and configuration. In addition to links with information about plugins, Web design, SEO, guides and much more.


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